In June of 2011, 14 million mobile users in the U.S. scanned a QR code on their mobile device. And that number is growing every day. To get you acquainted with the ins and outs of QR codes, here are some frequently asked questions.

What are QR codes?
A QR (quick response) code is a matrix or two-dimensional barcode that is scannable and readable on mobile devices with cameras and bar code readers. You can actually encode more than 7,000 characters in a single QR code, including numbers, alphabetic characters, symbols, binary, and other data. Marketers are using them to instantly bring offline customers online via special offers and other interactive means. 

What are the benefits of using QR codes?
The core of a company’s marketing activity is online these days and anytime you can get a customer or prospect online, you increase your opportunity to improve customer engagement and profitability. Plus, online marketing is highly trackable, so you can find out in real time what is working and what isn’t.

What are QR code generators?
QR code generators produce a barcode design that is married to the readable code. Initially, all QR codes were black and white for the best readability. But now, you can step out of the black box and design one that has high visual impact. (See the QR code gallery for ideas!)

What are scanner apps and QR code readers?
Scanning apps are software-based QR code readers that reside on mobile devices. These apps “read” the QR codes and interactively take mobile device users to information ranging from display text to websites or to a predetermined, specific landing page. Many smart phones now have a QR code reader installed in your camera app, so all you have to do is open your camera app, point at the QR code, and it instantly opens in a new window. To find a QR code reader for your device, go to your app store to download.